The Solar Eclipse will enhance the frequency of the planet, yes, but there is also another part of this.

Hi Everyone!
So much going on out there in the Ethers and within the Planet and all of us on board her, be kind to yourself, this is heavy going for everyone...
I’m getting so many downloads from Source and my own Soul and this really does feel urgent, so I’m putting it out there for you all.
This came through in the early hours today.
Take what resonates and leave the rest!
The Main Frequency hitting the planet is coming from the Outer regions of Space!
This Frequency is from a MUCH HIGHER SOURCE, it is the closest thing to Pure Source energy that you can get.
The Elevation of Humanity is a Collective Mission by many advanced civilisations, to assist the Earth at this important juncture with the evolution of the Solar System.
This shift on the Planet is for the Planet herself, all Toxins from the planet must be
released, which will take some time, but the Lion Share of Toxins is from Mankind itself.
The Toxins we speak of are Hatred, Greed, Apathy, Control, Anger, Fear, all of these things create many other Toxic Environmental issues.
Now we begin the removal of Toxins from within the Mainframe of the Human and the Earths Matrix, which will quicken the evolution of the planet and Humanity.
We believe this is the Only Solution for mankind and planet Earth if they are to flourish
It is a Global experiment indeed, but if the Human race is to Survive, a substantial amount of the population must evolve.
This is up to each to each individual and their connection to the Whisperings of their inner Soul Guidance.
The lower the frequency of the Human Template, the more they will struggle mentally and physically.
The world must evolve, it is designed to do so this, like everything in the Universe. The only thing on the planet that is not is the Human Race!
Technology is not the Evolution of a Species, it is creating disconnection from Source and from the true nature of their Soul.
The next few weeks will bring higher and diverse frequencies, hitting the Planet, Dram and Waking states will be difficult for some, as the Body and Mind being their Emotional Detox.
Working with the Soul and the Universe, seeing the purpose of your own Evolution, will make this phase easier, as you being to Align with your Soul, you will begin to create your Heaven on Earth.
It is entirely possible for most, it will be difficult for those that Mock or Challenge the changes happening, you are only resisting Your Own Soul!
Your Soul knew this was coming before you were born!
The Earth is a beautiful place, it requires us to have a Symbiotic connection with her, just as the Old Ones did. Lay aside your doubts and fears, trust your heart and soul, they are one and the same.
Call forth the world you want to see, one that is in alignment with the Greater Good of all!
This Eclipse and every day, work with your Soul and ask your Soul to Release all from the DNA that no longer serves you and the Planet!
If you want to make the most of this transition, book your DNA alignment session.