- Service Information
1 hr 30 min
250 Australian dollars$250
2 hr
500 Australian dollars$500
2 hr
150 Australian dollars$150
The Aura scan shines a light on the dominant emotional programs that are currently active within your conscious and sub conscious mind and DNA! Some are Ancestral programs going back many generations, some even Karmic and some are stories implanted by your own Soul, to enable you to interact with the Matrix of the Planet!
It's a fascinating journey to travel within your DNA , its nothing to be scared of, its rather liberating! It helps us make sense of our inner and outer world and gives you the power to See the Unseen.
We can see which Chakras are out of balance and get you in a symbiotic state with your Soul.
The Frequency scan enables us to get a snapshot of the emotional and physical body responses to emotional trauma.
It is not a medical diagnosis, it is to show you how the emotions are playing havoc with your body and which parts of the body are under duress.
Emotions play a large part with our well-being, this is not new.
Understanding the frequencies of emotions and how our emotional body interacts with the world, is essential.
Within our Body there are many emotional triggers, born from Ancestral programs residing in the DNA and right now with the current world issues, these triggers are being activated hugely.
Learn skills to navigate your journey going forward, to become the Master of your own mind , body and soul evolution ! During this process you will activate and trust your own Soul Wisdom and navigate your life with your own inner compass.
Source Code /Language is a universally spoken language that all living things understand and respond too. When we speak or act, it is Intention driven, but instead of the mind setting the intention, it is driven by Soul Intention I use Source code during healing work, as it speaks directly to the DNA of the body matrix and works at Soul level.
I act as bridge between you and your Soul, an advocate for your Soul as such and bring forth the codes required. The codes are often a sequence of codes that Deactivate fear programs and Activate Soul knowledge, creating a recalibration of the Body Matrix!
Consciously becoming the driver of your own Ascension is key to unlocking your own Soul Truth!
Together we can get you to a state of self awareness, of your own knowledge! Everything I do, is to assist you to remember your own knowledge, your Soul just uses me to jog your memory! You are a Powerful Soul, you just need to remember!
Who are you? Do you know?
Often we are a meld of what the world has taught us to be, our Ancestors, our parents, teachers etc, our path covertly guided by Soul until it is time to Remember your Truth!
Your Soul has placed within you, all the knowledge you require for this life, it is just waiting for you to be ready to release what you need now and going forward.
Your Soul has a plan, nothing is random ever! It is much easier to navigate your path if you are Consciously aligned with your Soul! This stage of our Human Evolution is hugely important , more than ever before, that we Create our life, our world from an Evolved Conscious space that is aligned with our Souls vision.
Activating our Soul memory, opens up all the knowledge you need to bring yourself into power and with that , the ability to transcend the old frequencies and create your life, your world from a much higher frequency. It is a fascinating journey as you remember the magnificence of your journey thus far, even the hardships have a profound reason.
If your ready, come and take a journey with me, I’ll teach you how to activate Your Truth, not mine, your own!
You are magnificent, its time you remember!