The time for the Earth to evolve is Now!
There will be no tomorrows that are born from the old system, tomorrow will be born from a new frequency, created by the shifting of many old souls around the world.
The energies and changes within the Human body are extreme right now, I know many are going through massive emotional turbulence mentally which has a flow-on effect on our physical bodies.
This past week has been one of immersion into the most powerfully emotional stories that bring us into a disempowered state, old ancestral scripts that keep us in a low sense of value, abandonment, unworthy, unloved within and outside of us! These Scripts are old, very old and are coming up to be cleared!
They are created by fictitious exaggerated stories by our very creative minds, then further attached to even more stories, but the basis is the same!
The core sum of the equation of our Self-worth barometer is being shown to us acutely, it is manifesting in physical and emotional ways, very powerfully.
These programs are old in that they are the foundation of the humanities control system, a system in play to protect, but also control a new civilisation that is in the development phase! That phase is nearly complete and the Old Souls are here to make sure the earth is released from the old programs.

This morning I woke up, feeling a powerful, game-changing shift occurring globally a massive awakening of many Souls to the truth of who they are and the world they are living in.
A realisation that they are the product of a Universal and Global game, a control program that is Archaic, originally designed to protect, but it has been used as a weapon against us for many years.
Manipulation of a foundation fear program, by many who understand how to use it against Human nature, to serve their need for control, greed and many other ugly motivations.
I will keep this blog short, as I'm sure most of you, like me, are struggling to read anything longer than a sentence.
This morning I woke up and recorded a Podcast of the release code sequences for releasing the very old reptilian programs, that have been used at the inception of New Civilisations. It's designed to control until humanity is ready to be self-aware and can self govern from an evolved emotional state.
I know for some that may seem like a wild idea, but this foundational fear has been within every living creature on the planet as a survival response.
To know how to wield it over thousands of years and turn it into a weapon takes an advanced understanding of this program within humans.
I have met this race, I’ve never said this publicly, but I feel it's important that you know that I just don’t pluck this information from Social media-driven information, everything I write, everything I know, has come directly from my own Soul over many years.
The first time I met them was many years ago when I had first activated my telepathic abilities and was doing a lot of channelled readings at the time. The second time was many years later when I was downloading from Source, the information on DNA programs, which is the core of the work I do. I have never done a course on healing, all information comes from Soul and it will remain that way always.
At first, the information seemed beyond my minds reach, at the time, the science was more advanced than Google could tell me :) Even now when I write, words and phrases come through that I never use, which always makes me laugh. But in hindsight, everything I have written in my private journal has come to pass. So I trust it implicitly.
My personal ascension has been a wild ride, full of many stories and meets many races from other parts of the universe. It has never been safe to discuss any of this, but now I feel it is time to discuss it. There are many civilisations invested in this world for their own reasons, they are magnificent, highly evolved and beautiful frequencies of pure love. They have helped me access my own Soul knowledge squatting in my own DNA, just by teaching me tools to do so.
Mostly it was all about getting past limiting belief systems within my Emotional DNA, which keeps you trapped in a perpetual loop, trying to break free of ancestral stories.
When you can truly see the bigger picture of how we all came to be, understand the Soul and how the DNA is just an advanced type of Motherboard of information, codes, programs etc, you can start to master your own knowledge base.
Source your own Souls truth, not someone else’s version of the truth, yours alone!
We have all had our own unique journeys as Souls and accumulated knowledge from all over the universe and Soul has encoded much of it within your DNA matrix with whatever you need for this life journey you have created.
We bring in enough to interact with our family story and that of the human race, but we then have the conscious choice to release anything limiting us and access our Soul library.
The body gets lighter, the weight of the ancestral stories lifts and your vibration gets more finely tuned to everything, nature, the stars, everything around you.
You are all magnificent, you just need to remember who you are!
There is so much I’d love to share with you, but this blog is long enough already, but if you would like specific information, please let me know and I’d be happy to do a podcast or blog on the subject.
Remember! You are the master creator of your life, it is always your "free will choice" to transcend the old story or to remain!
I hope my latest podcast is of assistance to you!
Please email me if you have any questions.
Much love to you all.