The Age of Innocence is over, we now learn the truth of all that has created the control systems on this planet!
The next phase is to awaken our Souls vision of the Truth!
Why did we come here at this pivotal phase of Earths evolution?
We bring within us, the Light Frequencies of the Planet herself, to accelerate her own evolutionary journey.
We brought into this life, within our own DNA, the Universal Light frequencies to bring all into alignment with Earth as she ascends!
You hold within you the codes that light up an entire planet!
Your Soul mission is known only by you, what part you are to play in this current Story! You are far more powerful than you know, I say that often, but it is true!
The conscious mind does not understand the nature of true power yet, it cannot fully conceive how powerful One Soul can be, one Soul alone is Mighty!
With all Soul’s united, there is nothing we cannot create or transform!
Your true nature is pure Source Light Frequency within this Human existence, all you are experiencing, including the Avatar you are operating within, is created by you!
You are the Master Creator of all and yet you feel so small, why is that?
Those that hold sway over this planet are a very Old organisation, as old as time itself on this planet, their origins however, are to of this planet!
They have key players around the globe and are behind the manipulation and abuse of everything that is pure evil on Earth.
They are masters of manipulating the Fear Frequencies within your Avatars Genetic Emotional Matrix, they know just what buttons to push and when!
They are the Puppet Masters and it is their belief that we are all just puppets!
Every media bite you are hearing is designed to keep you in fear, a lower consciousness frequency that halts you from seeing the Truth behind it all!
Well.. so they think!
Within our global population there are millions of old Souls that have infiltrated this world, quite convincingly showing up and heavily laden slave Coding frequencies created by each Soul.
These Souls being part of a Freedom expedition made up of Souls from many worlds, who are assisting us all here on Earth.
This Earth is too important to the Evolution of the Physical Universe to be held back and those that are trying to hold on to Power here, are OUT OF TIME!
They of course will Farm as much of their Drug of Choice as they can, until they can do so no more!
What is their Drug of choice? Fear Frequency is top of their list!
Imagine keeping a whole world population under control for thousands of years, orchestrating countless ways to inflict Terror into the hearts of millions and extracting the energy of Terror from each Soul!
So much of it is done under our very noses, the countless Cartels run by the Same Core network, that have many corporate faces, many of whom are deemed as Humanitarian!
Inside such systems there are many stories of human trafficking, adults, children, in a range of hideous practices. Many of the Elite are behind this, rulers going back further than our History books can track, not that our History books are very factual!
There are Cults out there, that believe that at the scream of a Child is the most purest and most potent frequency of Fear there is! It is their Nirvana Drug, feeding off it like the revolting pestilent rodent creatures that they are!
They are Vile and pure Evil!
This current phase is keeping us focused on the Small players, keeping us focused on the daily issues we have to navigate to be subservient to our Masters! But even though they are masters of manipulating Fear, they are not our Masters, they know full well that their time is ended and they need to Exit immediately! But they will create as much Havoc as they can and milk every drop of Fear out of the planet before they are finally driven out!
You! We! All of us, joining hands have the power to oust them by staying out of FEAR and OWNING OUR POWER!
Everything I write about, I have had First Hand Experience with, I will not write about hearsay, or regurgitated theories!
I know intimately who these players are and I will not rest until they are gone! Knowing all of this and more, has been a heavy burden for me personally, but it is worth it to keep all I love dearly, protected.
I know there are others out there that have brought in similar knowledge and I thank them for doing their part in making sure it is seeing daylight!
I love this planet, I love all on board here, every culture, every piece of her and she is worth the fight to defend and protect.
How do you come into power?
By working with your own Soul, allowing Soul to show you what your truth is, why you came here, what skills you have within you that your Soul encoded into the emotional matrix of your body! I know I have written similar to this before, but I will keep repeating it for those that have not read recent posts and also because there are too many that still do not trust the voice of their own Soul! They do not believe they are more than they see in the mirror and even that image is diluted heavily with feelings of unworthiness.
It is time to Wake up, Awaken the Magic within you, the Power, the Soul knowledge of who you are! There is no time to waste, as you light up your Soul Frequency within you, undiluted by fear, you begin to change the frequency of entire Grid of this Planet!
It is the sheer numbers of Old Souls that are here to do this, that change our Earths reality!
Don’t sit on the Sidelines!
Own your Soul Power! It is your Sovereign right to do so!
I’ll be putting up a Soul Freedom Fighters Light Code Audio up today for you all, to assist you in deactivating Fear frequencies and Activating Soul Knowledge.
Please share if you feel you can and lets get this planet free of the corruption that is destroying the lives of Millions!
Also please reach out if you need some help!
Much love to you all!
Link for Light Code:
If you would like to Donate it is very much appreciated!