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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Terraforming of the Human Mind! War of the Worlds! New Moon! Oh its all in here!

Hi Everyone!

I've been offline a while, so much has been happening on such a deep level for me, as this current phase is very much about clearing the Karmic fields in our own Soul Multi Universe!

We often think of Past Lives, Ancestors etc as simply "the past", but it's within our body and our etherial presence, our own multi universe within and around us, it is very much present!

We feel the trauma of our perceived past in the present, very little is obvious to the conscious mind, but it is "felt" by the emotional body.

I've probably mentioned this before, so again, the body acts as a type of Stargate to every dimension of our Souls Manifestations in every life, in every world!

I mention Every World, as many are travelling into these Alternate realities and/or worlds in their Dream State at present.

They are strange worlds to be sure, so much like ours in some ways and yet totally not!

Some are completely different and often it is the same Souls you know here in this reality, that are present in our dream state realities.

I'm going to throw in a few "what if" scenarios here, take or leave them, but for some, they may be a relief, in the "thank goodness I"m not mad or I'm mad but not alone" zone!

I'm sure some of you have jumped on programs such as Gaia and probably heard similar stories, but I personally don't listen or read others stories, mine are from personal experiences only, what I write and what I've experienced first hand.

Very early in my journey, I discovered the agenda of this planet, our current reality is!

But this is for you all to figure out, as the answers are hard coded into your body by your soul, into your very DNA, the truth of who you are, why you are here and what part you play in a massive story of huge importance.

I have zero doubt that this is a Slave Colony Planet, a very beautifully created world, that is inhabited and controlled by a superior race! Why? Resources of course! We just do the manual labour for them and one of the main resources is the vibration of Fear!

About now you might be thinking, "oh I've heard about such things, but really?

Who has evidence to show, who has seen them?" Well I for one have seen them and can tell you they are very real and intimidation and fear is their tactic to shut down anyone who dares to break free of their control. But you can break free, I learned how and so can you! When you break free of the Fear programs embedded within the Human Avatar, you are free to create your own world, your own destiny without the weight of the heavy shackles they put upon was all, right back from the beginning of Mankind. The programs are Fear frequency based, its an advanced tech, but can be released! I'm speaking of this now as in the fight for this world, they have "Upped the Ante" by increasing the fear programs through the use of Media!

There are significant amounts of people on this planet now who are Free Thinking and seeing outside the box and this is why they are pushing back to hold power here.

They are behind everything and "they" are not wanting to let go of their highly productive slave planet colony. So what's their plan exactly?

Terraforming of the Human Mind! Subliminal Mind Programming

The Next phase of Human Evolution (in their minds) is the programming of all human minds, the "total control" of the masses. This is the Evolutionary plan of those controlling the planet, the ones who feed off the masses!

The end game is a Human farm and global domination, freedom of the mind risks Anarchy, which leads to the break down of control.

There is need for all who have a Free Mind to take head of the current warnings and work towards a Freedom Plan.

What is proposed is letting people know that everything they see, feel and think is being Fed to them by a "False Communication Frequency" that is subliminally being fed to the masses. It is a Narrative being fed by those who control the Media! I say subliminally, as it is quite covertly and cleverly done, so it is not obvious.

They are using embed frequencies to trigger fear into the masses, you will feel the fear within your body, Anxiety being the strongest response, which of course is Fear Program response.

The Virus to our own Human Emotional Cellular Programs is the C Virus itself!

Its frequency is pure fear! The powerlessness it brings, the symptoms, everything about it is activating the Slave programs within the body, no need for physical restraints!

The programs are old, they can be altered to suit any timeline in history from Prehistoric to modern day, they cause anything from mental to physical pain.

For those who have started ascending, we need to be vigilant to the mechanical changes within the body. Stay tuned into your own power source in whatever way you feel guided too.

There is a War of the Worlds type scenario taking place in plain sight. Those that see the domination are awake enough to fight it! No need to be totally transcended!

Each Soul has a job to do here and you will feel it within, you are all Freedom Fighters, time to get to work on your Soul Purpose! If you're reading this, I'm sure you are already exactly where you need to be and on track.

The Unplugging of Media at this point is necessary to free the mind and allow your own Soul to show you not only the way forward and but your own truth of what you are seeing and feeling. Your Truth is What Matters Most Always! You Feel this, not think it!

Many are getting head pain (third eye area) and eye issues, this is to do with the frequencies being fed. Anxiety is probably the hardest, as it can get so powerful, they body literally shakes! Fatigue can be darn horrid, after a week in the city, I felt like the life had drained out of me! I did some energy clearing, which can be done in many ways, but switching off all tech if you are on lock down, which gives your Cells time to rejuvenate and transmute the frequencies. Sound healing is good, as is Smudging, I personally use Wattle leaves, as its natural to Australia and freely available. Essential oils also help, use what you feel drawn too.

Please remember who you are! Remember you are a very powerful soul, you would not have come here to battle this otherwise! Call in your power! It is your Sovereign Right to do so!

Take of care of yourself and if you have some questions, please just message me! I don't mind! We are all in this together and this web site has been created as a portal for you to find help if you need it.

Warmest hugs and thanks to you all for visiting!


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