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Half past nuts, a quarter to Crazy!

Writer's picture: Alexandra McilwraithAlexandra Mcilwraith

Full Moon + Eclipse of this magnitude = A trip down the rabbit hole!

Marinate a while in what is no longer working for you and then get spat out the other end! No one escapes this, in any shape or form, not even me! Bring it on I say! I feel this is one almighty shift!

One step closer to clearing more of the collective trauma of the past and one step closer to a new reality for all.

Void of Oppression, Slavery and injustice!

New moons are the ones that normally rattle me, powerful and transformational. Full moons, I tend to sail through unscathed. But this isn't just any old moon shift when paired with what is happening on the planet.

We have riots, divisions of mindsets, varying levels of awareness, triggered by years of oppression, fear, slavery etc. Its is resembling a war zone in some areas and internally for some, I suspect.

When you see who you are from a multidimensional form or call it past lives if you want.

We have been everything there is to be on this planet over many lifetimes and it's all squatting in your DNA databank. Soul wise, there is no division of colour and race, we are all from the same origin and from Stars! All here for a purpose, playing a role in whatever nationality that best serves humanity at this important juncture is man's evolution.

Change is hard! We tend to want to hold on to what's familiar. It can feel like the safer route to take, the Devil you know, the job you know, the Truth you know, or is it really the truth and not just Fear, masquerading as your truth? We cling on so tightly to the illusionary known until Soul says, Enough! Time to find your Divine truth!

Soul contracts are powerful connections, they can be the source of great transformation, some beautiful, ones that help you see you are worthy and loveable, while others bring up your deepest, darkest shadow self, turning you into a raving lunatic of fear-based paranoia, anger, resentment, etc oh it is a long list of possible scenarios! What or who, no longer serves your Souls agenda is released. What is your roadblock?

Fear is a powerful creator of crazy inner stories and behaviour patterns.

So where are you in this current phase?

Are you ready for a change?

It is time for the Warriors to arise!

Release the fear, Remember who you are! Who you really are, outside of the fear programs you cleverly created for your current ride on Planet Earth? Personally, I call them, my Clark Kent disguise! gives me a giggle!

Let's start the purge of what no longer needs to be within you, squatting there like a covert ticking time bomb, waiting to go off when trigger conditions are there most explosive, optimum best!!

So "SEE" what you need to purge! Be brutally honest with yourself, no point telling yourself bullshit, serves no purpose. Put away the booze, unless you want to go all Super Nova crazy and making this shift harder than it needs to be!

What are you learning in your current situation in life, where are you at with seeing who you really are? What cycles are you perhaps repeating, what Soul Contracts are currently playing out in your life Are they completed?

Do you see the whole point of the ones running in your life? Are you Evolving or Stagnating? Can you see the Mirrors in each one that is playing out? What is reflecting back at you?

Feel it, really feel the core emotion that's powering it up! Sit with it, marinate in it, till you see all the facets of it! Learn to master the fears, not let the fear programs master you!

When you find the core, that is what needs shifting within! You have the power to do so!

A Mirror can take on any form that triggers an emotional response, a person, your pup that just chewed your favourite shoes lol anything!!! So don't shoot the messenger, the Mirror is there to help you SEE your inner world more clearly.

No point hating on the Mirror, it is a gift in a clever disguise! That you chose on some level,

by the way!

You are your Soul, You are Epic! Believe it!

Power has always been yours to claim, to transform yourself, evolution on a Quantum level is why you came here. Releasing fear programs residing in your DNA, which is connected to Everything and Everyone, is your job here. Each time we go through these purges, Consciously knowing exactly what we are doing and how to do it, we create a quantum leap in evolution, of not only ourselves, but as part of the collective here on this planet.

This is not just about ourselves, this is us joining hands with all souls on board to create Change! I'm going to keep on telling you how powerful your heart is, how powerful your Soul is, how powerful You are until you Remember You!

We change the reality around us, by changing what we created inside of us.

We created everything before we arrived here, so we could play out our roles with family and all the soul stories we reenact for the purpose of DNA clearing and reprogram and activate what is needed going forward. Everything is aligning with you right now, to supercharge your healing abilities! It's a simple process really if you embrace the fact that your Soul is in the driver's seat, not our monkey brain! Just ask Soul!

Your Soul is you, so embrace your Soul and all your knowledge, here and now, merged as one Conscious Creative Powerhouse!

So surrender, give your mind a rest now and allow that which no longer serves you, to be released! Your Soul knows what is doing!

Whatever is not in your best interest and is blocking your Soul path, will be released or removed!

The quickest way through this Eclipse and all others is trusting that higher self has a Grand Master plan that spans all time, not just this moment!

You can allow yourself to feel like a victim of your own emotions during this shift or you can embrace it, honour the process and yourself and just Allow the emotional enema to occur!

Let it all go! Do not overthink this, keep your brain out of it!

To honour this process, I sometimes have a private purge party night, if I feel it's going to be a ripper tear-jerker! I get my favourite chocolate, popcorn and movie and just let rip! lots of tissues and empowering laughter at myself, seriously, watch yourself crying during a shift, it can snap you out of it pretty quick, if you can learn to see the funny side! It disempowers the fear and sets you free! Again, embrace the fact that you created this scenario, honestly!

Laughter, its the most energy elevating thing you can do!

It's my way of embracing change, with a sense of humour! It helps, trust me!

In hindsight, you will see how Everything fits and the timing of it all is pure perfection!

Enjoy the ride down the Rabbit Hole! See you on the other end! ;)

Trust is Key! Much love to you all!

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