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Let’s Hack the Matrix! New Codes in Ascension Library! New Source Codes!

Writer's picture: Alexandra McilwraithAlexandra Mcilwraith

Hi Everyone!

How are you all doing out there with all this crazy energy around?

Pretty sure I’m not the only one who is getting Psychic attacks by the Butt ugly Reptilians!

However! There was a hidden gift!

They did give me the gift of letting me feel the frequency they are using against the population, so I worked with Soul and came up with the Light Codes to assist with the DNA emotional frequencies they are targeting to slow us all down.

The frequency they used on me was pure undiluted Terror, which overloaded my nervous system to such an extent, my cognitive functions were all but Fried!

I Felt a bit like Humpty Dumpty, with bits of my brain put back in all the wrong places! lol

Ahh its not the first time, they first did this over a decade ago while overseas, then a few years after that when I was downloading information on Source Code from Soul and more recently, twice, in a space of a month, as I was doing a lot of Code with Clients!

I figure I must be doing something right if I’m pissing them off this much lol

They fear you, more than we Fear them!

So let's get to the emotional frequencies they are targeting within many Old Soul’s!

All of these emotions Dim the light we shine in this world and taint everything we Create, so of course they will be the primary focus and a huge part of the Matrix of this planet and the Matrix of our Emotional body!


Control, staying hidden, oppression, fear of being seen etc.


Abuse of Power, Extortion, Sexual Abuse, Slavery

Igniting Soul Frequency Skill and Knowledge

I’ve been working with Soul to clear my own Body first, before recording these new frequencies, as I am acutely aware of the frequency behind everything that comes out of my mouth!

We often forget or don’t know, that our voice, what we say and how we feel, has a frequency!

So I always have to check in with myself, before I record Frequencies or work with Clients!

The emotional body frequency can be felt in everything we create in this world, call it vibes we give off, or whatever, it is a very real thing!

You can use these intuitively or you can do the following!


Start with Persecution first and run as many times as you feel you need!

These are dense energies and may need a bit of time!



This program does a clean sweep of the Emotional DNA Template, to make sure there are no loose files lol bit like Defragging a computer system!

Run as many times as you feel you need too.

You will know!



Again run as often as you feel you need too and allow your body time to release, be kind to yourself and show yourself the love that was often missing with so many of us.


Recalibration again!

Allow yourself time to come into balance before proceeding with the next Codes!

Igniting Soul Frequency, Skills and Knowledge!

I found this one to be the most exhilarating to do, frequency was pure Joy!

We have so much Skill and knowledge hidden within us, implanted by Soul before birth.

Your Soul will know what and when to release whatever you need in this life, though having intention and being in Synch with Soul makes things move along more smoothly and quicker!

Listen to this code as many times as you like! I’ve been using it as a pick me up daily since I recorded it!

These codes don’t come from me as such, I’m a bridge between the Universe,

Your Soul, my Soul and Source Energy!

Anything is possible and its up to your Soul to decide what shifts and what has not finished playing a story in your life!

Our Soul is the Master Creator of our reality!

We just need to be in Alignment with our own Soul!

I do hope these codes are of assistance to you and please reach out if you need some help!

If you are under financial duress, please let me know and I’ll get the codes to you!

Much love!


(p.s. Just figured out how to put the links to the codes on here! yay! )

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