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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Day of Reckoning has begun! Predestined Evolutionary Slave cycle has concluded! Time to Create!

Hi Everyone!

Yep, it's been a while since I wrote a post, but like all of you, my own Ascension and Soul integration has taken up my full attention.

It has been a roller coaster for us all these past few months, with so much going on around the globe and within us!

We are however at a critical juncture of our final stages of ascension and the pressure is on us to cave in, to the fear-mongering around the world and Quit!

Ah but we came all this way to do this and none of us are backing down!

Not ever!

We have each other's back and if you feel alone out there, reach out to me, please!

None of us should be going through this alone!

I've been reaching out to other Lightworkers to start working as a collective team, instead of trying to be an island, as I truly believe we are supposed to be working as a collective!

( If you would like to collaborate on any Projects, shoot me an email!)

We all brought in something unique that is an important key to unlocking the door to freedom for this planet!

Your Authentic Soul Frequency and Codes that only your Soul can use to help create this new world!

Are you ready to let them loose?

We are all changing the frequency of this reality, by being our Authentic selves, our Soul frequency is Kicking Butt just by being here!

So if you think you are not enough? Goodness, think again!

You are more than enough!

This blog though is to discuss the current phase we are in!

I woke up this morning with these words being spoken by Soul, rather loudly, in a tone of pure joy and celebration!

The Day of Reckoning has begun!

And yep! it got my attention, so began to jot down what exactly that meant!

Everything in the Universe must come to its Predestined Evolutionary Conclusion!

So what that means is, that the Mass conclusion of Earth's Slave Cycle has reached its Peak and now must finalize and move into a higher Vibrational State!

It cannot continue within us emotionally or outside of us!

The Evolutionary program with which it served is now Obsolete and is being Erased from the Physical Matrix of the Human Avatar!

Awakened Human or Not!

It will make way for an Uprising, the likes of which the Planet has never seen as if the World has just woken up from a very bad dream!

(perhaps the biggest collective "what the fuck was I thinking?" moment ever experienced on a grand scale, was how I envisioned it in my head! )

Collectively we transcend the limitations of the Old Slave Programs that held sway over the world.

The Dawning of the Free World has begun!

We are free to Create a World of Equality, one that nurtures and sustains the Earth and all living things on board her.

Let's join hands and get busy Creating a whole new way of being!

We came here to do this!

Reach out if you need some help, Source code sessions are an efficient way to get you moving in the right direction, especially as most of us are Bone Tired!

I recommend the Release and Activation Codes!

Trust your intuition! You will know what feels right or not!

Ascension Library

Also, I felt the need to do a quick Podcast this morning, haven't done one in ages but felt like touching base with you all today!

Just feel there is too much Over complication going on out there!

Make a cup of tea and kick back and listen!


Much love to you all!


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