Hi Everyone! It is indeed time!
There has been so much happening these past few weeks, we are all running a massive Gauntlet it seems...
Between trying to navigate everyday existence, there is the overarching stress on the body from not just Ascension but the unravelling of other stories around us that have an effect on everything we know and love.
The past few months have been preparing us for what is coming, clearing the DNA of old stories and patterns and activating more of our Soul memory within the DNA. This phase alone has taken a toll on us, its exhausting, but it's creating the armour we need going forward.
While I go through heavy shifts, I rarely write, as the Inter-Dimensional part of me is cloaked, as if someone put a cover over my Inner Antenna lol. I find it frustrating and amusing at the same time, but it can be a nice rest too!
Then came October 16th, the Quiet was no more, for days I have had download after download of what is happening around us and what is to come! Yes, there's more!
But Fear does not serve anyone, except those that are wielding it, so don't go into Fear! Fear can Fuck off! Seriously!
Know that you are the Antidote to the Problem!
Let's start with the interesting stuff.
Recalibration of the Earth Core!
This download I found very interesting and with all the work I've done over the years with the Earths Grids, this makes total sense to me and is timely I'd say.
Right now the Earths Crust is going through a massive recalibration! Why?
This is significant as the Core of the Earth is the Central Sun of our planet, which is inaccessible for good reason, which is preventing the earth from complete destruction.
The Crust of the earth Stores the information for all living thing!s I think of it as a motherboard, a matrix, same as the Human body! )
The Core is the Power Source of Creation itself! I see this as the Creative energy source that is connected to Creator, Energy itself!
There is a multitude of reasons it's being Recalibrated, but the most important one for us is that it is Altering the Energetic Structure of the Planet!
The Planet needs to Accelerate Rapidly to create a Biosphere that can contain the Higher Vibration of all Souls on board here! It is also part of the Planetary evolution system, that is repeated across the Universe. There are many changes afoot and we will see them play out in various ways in the coming days! This is no subtle shift.
Time is the Illusion! Future already set, it's just awaiting activation by you!
The time is Now to Prove your Worth in this World! Not to Others! But to yourself.
Knowing your worth and believing in yourself and your abilities, owning your own power is the key to everything!
YOU are that important to Humanity! To the Earth, to its Evolution.
How many times have you surrendered power to keep the peace?
How many lives have you sacrificed your power?
That was then! A different time, a different story. The Stories are completed and your Mission now is to remember YOU! Your mission is one of Great Importance, you cannot Sway from the course you are on, you must hold your course Internally!
The New Reality is a Vibrational Frequency that falls in line with the Worlds Evolutionary Plan. It is the result of Eons of planning from those that seeded the planet and one cannot exist on the planet without this knowledge within their DNA!
(Yep I know, the image of the movie the Matrix or Hunger Games does come to mind lol )
The Evolution of Humanity is not a Silent Scream! It will be Loud and Strong and felt by all around the world, all Souls in unity, activating their Soul Power! The time has come to bring all into the light frequencies and remove the Cloaks! The possibilities are endless after this transition, the world will be different, Slave coding will not exist.
This is a NEW reality, not an Evolved form of the old Slave Colonies!
The world may seem a little mad for a time, but it will pass quickly as Souls activate their Cellular system, all codes will activate Simultaneously.
The Curve Ball!
With the Imminent fall of any great power, there is the transition phase where they will fight to keep power! It's already happening around us! I did receive a long download about this and I'm going to sit with it a little while and get more information. I'll be sure and post what I find out if it is helpful but for now, stay healthy and keep your mind on positive things, laugh lots, call back your power!
I always say laughter is the Antidote to Fear!
Any questions, please just message me.
Much love and thanks to you all!
- Alexandra