Hi Everyone! Thank you for stopping by, much appreciated and I hope this blog helps you.
Full moon again, they come up so fast and this month has been a heavy slog for many of us. So much shadow self-work going on and I'm pretty exhausted, how about you?
There is a reason for all of it and I'm going to discuss some of that with you in this blog.
We all are part of a very grand plan, the timing of our emotional shifts, correspond with our personal Soul journey as well as the physical Planet!
There are endless streams of frequencies bombarding the planet as she transitions, to take her place with the ever-evolving universe. We are part of that evolutionary journey and the juncture that we are at requires us to be undiluted by fear and chains of old.
A Sovereign State in our own right!
I've been a little quiet online lately as I've been working with my own evolutionary journey as well as the Grids of Earth and the Ancestral stories within her.
I've popped online as this is such a hugely pivotal juncture for all mankind, as we are releasing whatever is within, that is creating the illusion that we are powerless to have our own voice, our own personal freedom, our own Choice!
Since the beginning of time, enslavement has evolved from Savage Brute force, too Sophisticated Brute force in a way.
There are so many elements to the way humanity is enslaved and it's interesting to remote view how the Human race is rising and how the heavy-handed force retaliates.
The frequency polarity (division between people ) is increasing. Those releasing the ancestral scripts within their conscious mind and within the emotional DNA of their body, are causing a giant tsunami-like ripple across the planet!
The more we transcend the old belief patterns, the more we activate the Soul Wisdom within each and every one of us! Our conscious mind is not as consumed by the constant chatter across the airwaves, the politicians that fight amongst themselves to be the loudest and get the most votes! Shock and Awe is an age-old tactic! Sadly for a large chunk of the world, it still works in keeping people busy with the games being played, instead of focusing on their own Souls version of the Truth!
We came here to be part of the solution, we came here to master our own evolution, we came here to CREATE! We are all Master Creators!
What we have created within us and outside of us, we can alter at will!
When we ascend beyond the limitation of the Old Mind Constructs, we can SEE solutions that are actionable, power-driven by the heart.
The only block is squatting within your old story, a story that was created by you prior to you even being born!
Let go of the old story of who you believe you are for just a moment!
Now Imagine you are an old soul, who is older than time itself! You may have come to this planet many times, playing your part within the Earths evolutionary story! Perhaps you were part of the inception of the human race and understand why Fear and Love are the two core emotions required for the survival of humans. Your soul remembers how those two emotions have played out story after story, with each life evolving along with everyone on the planet!
Control was perhaps necessary with a new civilisation to keep everyone from early destruction, but now we are ready to create a more sustainable world. Hopefully, one that is united in making sure the Earth is protected, no one is starving and those we vote to manage global and local affairs, are fully accountable and transparent! Wealth would be distributed fairly, everyone living a happy and abundant life.
Is sound impossible to you? Why?
We can use the frequencies bombarding the planet, to accelerate our own evolution, erasing the old scrips, activating the Soul skills and knowledge laying dormant and get to work in creating a new world reality! As our inner world evolves, so does everything around us!
I recently recorded a Podcast to work with the DNA scripts, it is free and my gift to everyone who is ready to make some inner changes!
The language I use is not so much language, but coding sequences that speak to the DNA and assist the body to recalibrate old programs.
Sending you all so much love and thanks for supporting and sharing my work, it is greatly appreciated. We are all in this together!
Reach out if you have any questions or would like some help.
If you want some frequency code to help you shift, have a listen to :
- Alexandra