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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

New Moon! Transcendence of Human Consciousness! Set yourself free!

This current timeline that we are in, is a Pivotal Juncture point in the evolution of the Human Species!

We now have the capacity to embrace our emotional intelligence and transcend the many stories that are within our DNA emotional template. To do this, we need to climb to a higher vantage point and view our Human Evolutionary story! There is so much to see when we look at the Big Picture from Souls Perspective!

We can get so bogged down in the Victim story of our own life, blaming our parents, our ancestors, our genetics etc that we can miss the much larger and important story of our Soul and Human evolution on this Third Rock from the Sun!

Our Human stories are a timeless culmination of Drama, Sadness, Heroic tales, Brutality, Love Stories, Beauty and Wonder, all are Complex intertwined stories with Multiple Souls, all in agreement to create amazing stories together!

Each story, no matter what it is, is part of the evolution of the Souls story, that is created to assist with the Planets evolution!

The Soul doesn’t need to Evolve here on earth, it's the Planet that is Evolving and Ascending alongside the rest of the Universe!

We are all part of a very elaborate, grand plan to Evolve a Species and a Planet!

Viewing your life path and seeing the Ancestral story behind you and remembering you are the Master Creator, sets you Free!

We all co-create the Stories, each Soul group has an agenda to create Stories that are tied to the ancestral story in some way, a more evolved story, but with the same base emotional platform! The Victim story has had many faces throughout our Ancestral timelines, depending on the Evolutionary stage of the world.

The core emotions are always a Creative Manifestation of Love and Fear, these two are at the basis of it all and part of every mammal's emotional construct.

They are in place for the Survival of all species!

Each generation tries to do it better than the generation before them of course, but each new generation is often critical of the one before them, perception is often short-sighted if we cannot see it from an Ancestral evolutionary vantage point!

In plain speak! We all need to get our heads out our own, self-indulged, arrogant arses and see that each generation begins life as the product of the generation before it and it is our job is to transcend and evolve together as a Species!

Respecting all that have come before us and slogged through great hardships along the way!

New Moon Phase! Transcendence of Human Consciousness! The Souls Wisdom and Knowledge begins to permeate every cell in our Body, activating Soul Skills, Soul Memory of who we are and why we are here!

We all have access to the Powerful downloads of Frequencies bathing the Planet, that are amplifying the cellular transformations of the body!

Whether we choose to use them and be a participating player in your own evolution is up to you!

Your Soul may pull you along, kicking and screaming as your Human mind resists, but it's far better to let go of the Ego and go with the flow! You are an epic old Soul, own that, trust that, let go of the past and allow your own Evolution to unfold!

You may not know it yet, but your evolutionary story is important to the whole planet!

We are all united in this hugely important phase of the Earths evolution!

All you need to do is get on board with your Soul’s Agenda, not mine or anyone else’s concepts, but your own Soul!

Just say Yes, to your Soul, say you are ready to make the Quantum leaps in your own Evolution, Say you are ready to begin an Epic journey to assist the Planet, Say you are ready to remember the Warrior that you are and let's get this job done!

Use the Creative wisdom of your Soul to create Solutions for the Planet! For all of Humanity!

The Choice is always yours to make!

Together, anything is possible! Release the Old! Embrace the Master Creator that you are!

Here is something that I believe will help you right now to release these old frequencies.

This Frequency Code was recorded on the 11th of April, Enjoy.

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