This Cosmos is alight with ships from across the Universe,
here to assist Earth at this Final Juncture!

The world as we know it will be hit by Powerful Frequencies that activate the grids and all living things on the planet. Every Soul on board her will be “activated”, there is no other way to defeat those who are holding on tight to their illusionary power.
The Reptilians have stepped back already, but it is the greed and ego madness of those who control the world and all elites, that are resisting.
They know their time is up and are trying to Hold Power.
The fallout of this will be a Global uprising, like nothing anyone has seen and before the end, we will see many governments fall from grace.
New Leaders will step in that will have to be ready to create a New Way and collaborate together globally.

A New World structure will take five years to fully form, in the interim there will be temporary rules in play to keep order while the world gets used to the change.
This is the final ascent of Planet Earth!
She will be moving into a new frequency, as will all on board her.
This is the dawn of a New World, an era of Truth and Freedom for all!
Anything not serving that frequency will cease to exist.
The New World will be one of equality and justice, old nations will rise and be given back their end and cultures.
The Old Ones will rise to power and bring back Balance to the world.
There will be no retribution as all on Earth will be wide Awake, Soul driven, no ego!
For now, hold fast to your own Soul Truth, feel into your Heart of Hearts and let that guide you forward.
It all begins 26/4/2022