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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Human Template Release! It’s time!

Hi Everyone!

What a time it is to be living on this Earth, these shifts going through are beyond epic, crazy difficult to navigate and stay sane at the same time.

So many souls have left this world already and many of us have lost people we love suddenly and almost lost many more, that thankfully survived.

This will be a short blog as I too am in the midst of this Human Template Release, but I wanted to make sure you all know that you are not alone in this shift. I feel so many are going through this too!

Our Ascension is a process that is unique to each Soul, there is no right or wrong way to do any of this, it is designed by our own Soul, and the timing of each Release and Activation is perfectly timed.

There is a Cosmic design that transcends all earthly timelines, there is so much more to all of this than our Human mind can digest.

This current shift appears to be removing the DNA Overlay that we have all carried through many generations, the control/slave programs that are embedded into each Human Avatar, that are like a backing soundtrack to our individual human story.

The frequencies of the Overlay keep us in a bit of a coma, that restricts us from truly seeing our own Power and Soul knowledge.

We have all been working so hard this lifetime, to remove all these codes within us, all the stories, the fear programs, survival frequencies, oh goodness, we have gone through one huge bloody Gauntlet!

I don't know about you, but I am exhausted to my core!

Personally, I've lost many that I love this past year or so and many I love have had horrendous health issues and some days, it was all I could do to keep breathing in and out!

Hence why I haven't done a podcast or blog in a while.

Sometimes, we have to just let go, feel the pain, let it purge what is required within us, and come out the other end with the Soul wisdom we require for the next leg.

That's all Ascension is really, that's the bare bones of it.

I woke up this morning and felt the need to do a Podcast and I'd really appreciate it if you could share it far and wide. The codes at the end are to assist in removing the Human Overlay that we created for this lifetime, we don't need to carry them anymore.

(Remember to Ask your Soul to release what is required and activate what you need going forward, it's important that you are an active architect of your own Evolution)

The Overlay is a Human Template, it carries the vibrational codes of our Ancestors and all the control programs that are part of this Human experience we are currently having.

I'm exhausted with this journey, fuck! at times, it has felt like a baptism in the fires of hell itself, while other times are pure joy, but it is one hell of a Rollercoaster!

But Old Souls, we came here to ASCEND IT ALL!

We have all been chipping away at this since we got here and now we are almost done!

Our Soul knowledge is Extensive and as I was doing the Code, I could feel we are removing the Cloak that is our Human story and Activating a whole new story that is of our Soul's new creation.

We are our Soul, we now begin the new journey of remembering our Soul Knowledge, as we begin the Activation phase of our Soul's New Journey here.

How does this look going forward? No idea yet, I'm in this Gauntlet phase with you! :)

Laughter really is the best medicine!

I do know for sure, that a bloody good Belly Laugh, is just the best frequency to be in, it elevates us to our Happy Place during these tough shifts. Find something to do or listen to that brings you joy! I find just going for a walk, getting out in fresh air, and chatting to animals, changes my mood quickly.

I did a code for a lovely client a few days ago, who has been transitioning and the code that her Soul brought through was such a joy to speak, I was on an absolute high during the recording and for hours after. It was like being on Happy Gas!

This transition may feel rather heavy, each will experience it differently, some may breeze through it, while others may just feel like staying in bed and telling the world to fuck off! :)

Do what works for you!

I'm in Melbourne for a few more days, if anyone needs a session, do reach out!

Or book online if you are somewhere else in the world.

(if you are under financial pressure, please let me know, everyone should be able to get help! I've been there myself! )

I'll also be at the Medieval Festival at Balingup, WA this month, which I love doing, if you're coming down for it, book in with me quickly, as I booked out last year within an hour of opening, insane few days, but a lot of fun.

Stay true to yourself and be safe!

Much love to all of you and thank you for following my blogs and podcasts! I really appreciate the support!

Alexandra xx

Podcast link (please share)

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