As this is my first public blog and the majority of you out there have no idea who I am, I thought I’d best give you a little insight into who I am. That in itself has a rather complex answer and I do hate blogs that waffle on, so will keep things brief and to the point and hopefully ON point!
My background has been working with creatives, mentoring many over the years on how to see their blocks, release and create from a clear point of reference. Along the way, of course, I've worked on my own personal evolution, which has taken me on quite a ride and I’m darn sure I”m not alone in that!

There are so many confusing words, terminology and stories of Ascension and I’m going to try and keep things as simple and as straight to the point as I can, especially as to why we ascend. Ascension, to me, is a quantum leap in mans evolution and I’m sure we have had many (in mans time here on earth) pivotal moments that force change, one way or another.
My focus for the past 12 years has been understanding the programs within us and outside of us that control our reality and how we interact and create within it and outside it. I, like many, had my own fair share of childhood trauma to deal with and clear, so that was where I started. Over the years I learned how to do that effectively and then started looking to the emotional DNA of the body, in a very multi-dimensional way, which became an obsession, night and day for many years. I’ve never been one for labels of any kind, but my abilities in the translation of energy has been labeled by others along the way, names such has Psychic, Medium, Seer, Healer, etc. There’s a long list, but none of which I was ever comfortable with, so I shunned that world, choosing to work quietly in the background, working on my passion, which is the Evolution of mankind.
At no other time in our history, have we had so much freedom, yet we chose to enslave ourselves to fear programs within and outside of us. The choice has always been ours to make, even more so now! The fear program scripts within us are what dilutes our creative process, shapes our visions of who we see in the mirror, the life we want to create, everything we say, do and see! Everything we see is filtered through a myriad of scripts, an undercurrent of thoughts such as, “I’m worthless, nothing, powerless, victim, etc, etc” and make no mistake, fear is a self-perpetuating program, it mutates if left unchecked! It is exasperated with every media bite on TV, the internet, social media, it’s everywhere! BUT you can take back your own power and release the fear programs within you.

So why did I choose now to create a website, become more public and stick my neck out? Because it is time!
This is the world's quantum leap of freedom, to finally take back their power, release the old programs and be the brilliant Conscious Creators that we are meant to be. We are all the warriors, the saviors, the heroes of our own story!
It is time!