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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Game on! Major Intervention! Acceleration Frequency for Mankind has begun! This is huge! Buckle Up!

Hello everyone,

I’ve been offline quite a while now, but it has been necessary for me to sufficiently Ascend in order to assist the planet with Her Final Ascension phase!

She is fierce and resolute and we have to follow her lead.

I know many of you out there are doing the same thing, I can feel you in the Ethers and what a brilliant sight you are to behold.

I honour each and every one of you!

Every one of us are part of a Grand Plan to assist this Planet/Reality in which ever way our Soul is gifted to do, each one of us of equal importance!

One Tribe! All of us are United at this critical Juncture of Earth's evolution.

I’ve been witnessing a "War of the Worlds" type scenario for the past few months, so much is going on out there in the Ethers and on a Physical level with this Earth reality.

There are many fighting for us and helping us, but we must do our individual internal work on the ground, ensuring we are on track with our own individual and collective Evolutionary plan!

We cannot just sit this one out!

This is a Universal Battle, we, however are doing the work on the ground to make sure our Sovereign rights are upheld.

My job is to work with the planet on a physical level, working with the Grids, anchoring energies and to liaison with every Dimension of Assistance we have available from the Cosmos!

I’m bone tired I have to say, so the whole Social Media world is just not an energy I like to play in for too long. Hence why I’m not posting much!

Today though I need to make sure everyone understands what is happening from today going forward, as these energies that are Blanketing the whole earth are an "Intervention for Mankind!"

We have help!

The image I got through was a Molten Lava like frequency that will blanket and infiltrate everything on the Planet.

It is designed to upgrade every living thing, a rapid ascension for many, which might be tricky to navigate.

"Imagine a population suddenly having a lightbulb go on within them and the confusion that may cause in the world?"

I do believe there will be some Chaos and Confusion, followed by change (cause and effect) which will take on many forms.

It might be a very Bumpy ride for the world going forward, but it has to happen, there is “no” going back now, the Earth is on her final Ascent and she will keep going with or without us!

This is why working with your Own Soul to navigate the waters ahead, is so important!

Trust your Gut before the mind!

Feel into each decision, rather than think through it!

(stay out of fear)

There is nothing new in our Brains, only "Your Soul" who knows the way forward!

Trust it!

I’ve been doing a lot of DNA Source codes for people of late, hence why I’m doing so many markets around the countryside, to make myself available to as many as I can.

I am always in awe and humbled by every code session I do, I see so much and observe how magnificent each Soul is, how intricate their Soul Story is, it truly facinates me.

Each Soul is Magnificent!

I’ve seen people go through rapid changes, as they start to remember that they have the power to change and morph at will, they just need to work with their Soul.

I would like to make these DNA Source Code sessions available to everyone at this current juncture! I work with your Soul and bring through the Source DNA codes that release the old Emotional Human Template and Activate your New Light body Template!

This is a huge phase we are in with our own Human evolution, our body needs to match frequency with the New Earth!

Time to Set Yourself FREE!

During this current phase I’m happy to do your Custom codes by Donation.

We are all in this together and as much as Money helps on a day to day basis, the Ascension of each soul is far more important to this planet! We are out of time to sit on the fence!

If you would like to book in your customised light code, please email me your name, age and a current photo (it helps me tune in to you ) and also include any relevant emotional or health issues you are burdened with currently.

Much love to you all!

Please remember you are not alone and reach out to me if you need a chat!


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