The concept of this web site was born from many years of working with young creatives from around the world, something I've always done in one shape or form. My early years were spent creating projects, business, I worked in advertising for a time, and also dabbled in a few industries here and there. Bit of a Jack of all trades I guess. My happy place was always in the creation of an idea or concept and seeing it come to life, not so much running a business, I'd get bored quickly in my younger years and be onto my next great idea. While in Advertising, all the sales crew would sit in the same room working on advertising concepts for clients and when someone was stuck, they would yell out to me for an idea, which was all too easy for me when I look back in hindsight. I had no idea it was a valuable skill! Often things that come naturally to you are the things we value least!

I’ve worked internationally in many sectors of business, the last 15 or so years running AD Model Management Australia and mentoring models internationally. It perhaps seems like an odd fit for me, as I’m really not into fashion at all, but the story that led me to that place was one of seeing a need to protect our young creatives in the world.
I’ve seen first hand, how our talented youth in many sectors, are often groomed to be the next best thing, fed a lot of false promises and then tossed aside.
Young creatives, even mature ones, often do not see the value of what they bring to the table and are rarely shown by agents or employers, as that would take the power away from those that make money from their skills. It is the way of the world and has been from the beginning of time.
I’ve never contracted a model ever, which I must admit has bit me on the butt on occasion, but I did that so they would have room to grow creatively and I taught them to see themselves as a creative business in their own right.
In my personal life, I was born with abilities, that took a bit of maturity to master, which was the ability to translate energy in all forms. Many do this, they just don’t always understand what they are doing, how it works or how to apply it. We are all energy, everything is, every word that is spoken has emotional energy that is translatable. The thoughts in our mind prior to speaking, have the power to affect the words we speak or write and how those receiving our messages perceive the message. Everything we create must come from a clear point of reference, from our creative source, which is the heart space, the heart being the Emissary of our Soul.
Fear based emotional undercurrents have adverse effects on what we create, it dilutes the initial idea or concept until it is a heavily watered-down version of what you felt in your heart, to begin with.
This is a scenario I know all too well, much of my early childhood was a challenge, as many peoples are and my generation were born from parents who are post wars and many other pivotal changes in the timeline of our planet. Victim, fear, powerless, anger, self-value, etc etc, all common ancestral emotional traits that are ingrained in our society. To create from the base of fear, keeps you in a self-perpetuating emotional loop, that plays havoc with your health and everything in your life. You then create a business or job from a space of such disempowerment, that you then spend your days in that energy space, which then has the potential to mutate the fear into many subcategories. Fear Is Self Perpetuating!
Fear mutates, it grows in strength until the body can take no more and everything around you falls apart. There is good news though, this can be changed and your soul will be quite happy to help out, as you do have a very specific reason for being here this pivotal time in man's evolution.
Clearing away the emotional debris and coming into your own power is achievable, part of you already knows how to do it, you just need reminding sometimes. I can show you some simple techniques and help you understand your own emotional DNA programs, why they exist and how to reprogram. You can then gradually come into full power and can make decisions based on your own deep knowledge of your own soul truth, not mine, not anyone's, but yours!
Let’s get you started!
Insightful, thought provoking and inspirational. Reading your words gave my 'a har' moments. Thanks so much for writing your blog, things are beginning to make sense.