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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Claim back your Power! Grids! Architects of the New Earth! Dream State defragging your hardware!

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by, there is a bit to cover, so pour yourself a cuppa and maybe some chocolate and let's get to it!

Wow, it's been one heck of a month, I took myself out off-grid for a while, as there were some huge activations coming through for me and with that, lots to defrag!

I always envision the healing of the Emotional Body Matrix as a similar process of Defragging a computer, hidden files creating havoc out of the blue, body running low on energy, processor getting sluggish etc lol. Though it is a computer that is programmed by You!

You are the Master Architect of your emotional matrix programs, Soul places whatever you need within that system, so you can interface with the Matrix frequencies of the Planet!

Are you ready to transcend all of it?

Is your sense of Worth still something you have to navigate when creating your reality?

If you know it is, then you're ahead of the game already! Good for you!

The planets are geared up to assist with your Ascension, they will activate quite a bit of emotional turbulence in these coming weeks! You may feel like you are going over old ground again, much of the emotional foundations around Power and Control may surface!

This is why I decided to come online and have a quick chat about it and post a Podcast as well, as we all need a little bit of support navigating these coming few weeks!

Up for review is our Personal Power!

How potent are our creative frequencies when we are Manifesting our creations?

Everything we create is a frequency and when our Personal Power has an undercurrent of Low Self Value, everything we create is tainted by that frequency.

Remember though, that you have a powerful Ally to assist you and that is your own Soul!

All of these old stories, emotional constructs are up for release and only you have the power to release them!

This is the time to be calling back your power!

Keeping in mind that you are the Master Architect of your own story! Who better than to shift this, than you, but you have to work with Soul!

The Conscious Mind and the Subconscious need to be in cahoots with Soul! You can’t surrender this job to anyone! Sure I can guide you through it, but the purpose of all of this is much bigger than you and me alone! Bringing back your Power has a huge effect on the Planet Grids! The Grids are what creates the Matrix of this reality and each time you release it, it vibrates through the Grids and alters the reality!

You are that important!

You are that Powerful!

Architects of New Earth!

I’m not here to tell you what to think or feel or impose my visions onto you! But I will share my experiences and my vision of what we are doing going forward as a civilisation! I like to keep things quite simple, I’m sure there are many descriptive words out there, but I like plain English!

From what I have seen and experienced, I’ve learned that every planet has a Matrix!

What we are doing is Creating a New Upgraded Matrix Higher frequency System!

As we ascend “with” the Planet, which is an evolutionary process for all things in the Physical Universe, the Old frequencies can no longer exist!

That is why we are clearing so much of the Ancestral programs within us, we are part of the Earths Evolutionary Journey!

Our emotional matrix is connected to the Grids of the Planet, both need to be in Synch!

Once aligned with our Soul Wisdom, we Co-create the New Earth together! Our creations must be Heart-Centred as that is our Creative Power Source!

You have help! Setting Intention!

The soul is very busy in our Dream State, releasing so much while we sleep!

Setting your intention each night to release and being a Conscious Participant of your own Evolution and the process of releasing and defragging our Emotional DNA is Key!

I can’t emphasise that part enough! You hold the power to do all of this!

Also writing in a journal each morning of what you feel when you first wake, is a powerful tool. It's a great way to connect to your higher self and start a direct dialogue!

I have been doing this for many years!

If your struggling with these current shifts, reach out to me for a chat and I can give you some direction!

We are all in this together! There really is no separation in this, we all are linked in a Powerful Timeless way! No matter the Age, Religion, Country, we are all One!

I have created a public Podcast to assist with this transition, there are Light Coding sequences that are common to many in this phase and a few that are not so common, hopefully, they will assist you with your Conscious Release!

Please reach out if you need an individual session!

Much love to you all!


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