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Writer's pictureAlexandra Mcilwraith

Catastrophy? Or Global Colonic Cleanse? Returning to Atlantis! Reptilians etc!

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Hi Everyone!

I’ve started a few blogs and deleted them as I think, like many, there are so many moving parts on so, so, many levels it is an absolute Mind @#$%!

So let's start with a few things that have been coming through the last few days in my Morning Chit Chat with Soul etc.

The current phase of the planet is Pre-catastrophic, but the world needs this cleanse of Ego, Control and let's face it, down right bloody Evil manipulation of Power and Control.

They seem to just assume that we will all swallow the global bullshit being dished out, though I have to say, I’ve met so many that are glued to their TV sets and taking everything as Gospel.

Turn off the TV!

The Puppet masters are having a heck of a lot of fun, fucking with the heads of everyone on the planet. Propeganda is rife!

So let's chat about a few things!

Firstly Reptilian Interference!

All who know me well, know I have a lot of first hand experience with this race and it would be easy to mistakenly say that they are behind it all!

But, in this case, I think not!

To really understand them, you would need to view them from the eyes of an advanced race, as our primitive understanding of the workings of the Universe are very, very limited!

The Reptilians see Humans as a Seeded race, owned by them, they are the Genetic Fathers of Humans, a topic that won’t be terribly popular I”m sure, but from my knowledge it is the truth of it.

(could be worse, we could have scales! and maybe a tail! )

Source is part of everything in the Universe, but its up to each Soul and Species of intelligence as to what they want to Create!

Our World is still so very young, evolving fast, but this juncture of our evolution is a critical phase for sure!

Mass culling is not the doing of the Reptilians!

This is done by Human Hands, who have Extreme Elitist views, one cannot predict the outcome at this point as mankind has to awaken and it is taking time!

I wish it was faster, I really do.

The good news is that you have everything you need knowledge wise , it is within your DNA Archives, so rather than focus on propaganda, focus on your own evolution, so we have access to all our knowledge from Ancestors and our Star linage.

We are all made of Stardust and light, we are all so much more powerful, our Soul vibration is way more powerful than Fear!

Which brings me to another topic that came through this morning.

Atlantis! This mornings message!

There is a Return to Atlantis for some, in that their Soul will remember fluently, what occurred at that time.

It will be very Vivid for many of you, (perhaps brutally so) who need to remember exactly what happened from Soul’s perspective, not what we have read in books!

The knowledge you hold within, is crucial for your Soul’s mission here to assist the Earth.

I would suggest you write each morning as a great deal may come through in Dream State!

Your Souls Memory!

The memories are stored within your DNA and are a reminder of what must “not” come to pass!

Atlantis was a civilisation, much more advanced than us, that dwelled on earth.

They wanted to create an Outpost here to dominate this quadrant of the Universe.

It was suppose to remain neutral and benevolent, but Power and Ego grew strong in many, which destroyed the Original Vision.

The destruction was Swift and Powerful, the Trauma and Memory of this, is still very strong in many Old Souls.

These memories may open up again in many of us, when they do, go into the memories within you, the knowledge you have chosen to bring forward will be important for you and the Earth.

Trust your own truth first and foremost!

Back to the Reptilians!

Having said all of that, Reptilians still feed off fear, it's their drug of choice and during this phase, they will still be “toying” with Light workers.

They have tried to stop my Ascension since 2009 and believe me, they have come close!

But If they wanted to take me out completely, they would of done it by now!

They still cannot read our Soul DNA programs, they cannot get access, so the worst they can do, is terrorise you to the point that your adrenals are so pumped up, your entire emotional system is fried!

It's like your mind and body has a short circuit and the fatigue is overwhelming!

So it is a destabilising tactic only!

So don’t fear it!

The last one took me out for 3 months.

But, I’m still here and even stronger!

P.S. If anyone is doing through this, message me, I know a brilliant Kinesiologist (and star being) that is great at putting Humpty Dumpty back together again!

She’s done if for me a few times! :)

Going forward, there is a lot coming, but there are a lot of moving pieces and to me, it's like the Story keeps changing course, a bit like the crazy Map app on my phone!

I suspect that is primarily because we are evolving quickly internally and they are having to

re-route plans continuously!

Yes, there will be Dark Days ahead, but the solutions are within each and every one of us!

Trust your instincts, not the news!

We all came here to do this!

Together we are a mighty force!

So trust that your Soul can show you the way through this and has the answers the

World needs!

The more we Ascend, the more we are in alignment with Soul and then it is not so difficult to find the solutions we need to assist the planet.

Keep working with your Soul, keep asking Soul to release what no longer serves you and to activate the Soul knowledge you require.

We all need to become our own Master Architect of our own reality!

Remember we are all SOUL FAMILY!







Much love to you all and hang in there!

We have got this! I promise you!

Alexandra xx

P.S. I’ll put up a Source Code in the library for the Atlantis frequency and let you all know when its up! I’ll see what Source requires!

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