Oh yes, there is an elephant in the room, but do we really want to SEE it ?
Some days I do and other days I tell it to fuck off!
I just love this photo though!
This picture reminds me of me, pondering whether or not I want do discuss the shit show going on with the Planet!
Some days I’m more inclined to go disappear into nature and let the “elephant” go fend for itself!
Hiding in a cave also crosses my mind from time to time! lol
The Fear radiating out of people is strong and yes, I know this is part of our Human
R-Evolution phase, but it is hard to watch and listen to on a daily basis and it saddens me that so many are suffering, in fact it can be downright gut wrenching and infuriating!
The energies that are streaming onto the planet are hugely powerful and the Light Codes I’ve been doing with clients are accelerating the ascension process in what I can only describe as massive quantum expansion.
Now normally I would guide clients to do their Soul work and just teach them some skills and support them through the rough patches!
This is no ordinary time, the world is changing fast and we need all Soul Warriors on board it to Rise and Activate Now!
My Soul job is to assist the planet and all on board to Ascend, activate their Soul knowledge and support them.
Most of the Old Souls started this journey about 15 years ago and have had time to go through the process, but now this new wave are being pushed through very fast!
Hence why Light Language was activated within many Old Souls in the last few years, to assist not just Humans, but also the Physical planet!
The magnificence of Light Code, is that every living thing across the Planet and the Universe, understand the language, it speaks a language (coding sequences) that transcends all Human language and probably every language on every Planet in the physical Universe!
These past few weeks I have done many Audios for clients around the world and there are no two alike!
I don’t access any of it from my mind, I merge with the frequency of the clients Soul and just Speak the Frequencies! There is no mental process in it at all!
It still fascinates me every time I do a session, I can feel the multidimensional DNA and its stories and its kind of reminds me of that old TV series Dr Who, how he got to travel through time!
Its a little the same!
The DNA is a Portal to all time on Earth, as well as the Universal knowledge squatting in their DNA!
It's mind blowing!
I met a lovely Rescue dog a few days ago, who had been quite traumatised and didn’t like strangers at all. His lovely owner allowed me to speak to him in Light Language and my eyes welled up looking at his response.
He relaxed his stance and his mouth began to move like he was talking to me, he then moved towards me to lick my hand and then he lifted his paw and put it on top of my hand!
He understood the frequency, felt the love within it, it was the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Still makes me cry thinking about it.
I love what I do and would gladly work for free, I often do in fact, but I do keep prices very low, so that everyone has access to assistance when needed.
So please, if your out there and need some help, please reach out!
Todays light codes came through so strong and are designed to open up Soul Knowledge, Skills and anything you have brought with you that needs to be Activated!
They also will “de-activate” what no longer serves!
They are powerful, the sequences are complex, but they may or may not resonate with you!
Please remember too hydrate! The cells require water to do their thing!
Thank you for stopping by and I apologise if there was any issues with links on Social Media, as the Posts kept vanishing! Goodness knows if they are still on there!
Also thank you for those who have donated, it is very much appreciated as it helps me work with those that are suffering greatly and of course the many animals that cross my path!
Do message me and tell me your experiences with this Podcast!
If you would like your own Audio specifically for you, drop me an email!
Much love to you all!
Podcast link!
Here is the linktree link that has links to everything I do, Podcasts and Blogs as well as the Pay as You Please link for donations.
Pay as you please xx