The Mass Extinction of the Human Beings will go down in history as the greatest crime against humanity!
This phase of the planetary evolutionary alignment does not require this to happen!
This is created by the Epicentre of Control, Ego and the hideous abuse of greed and power! These players are beyond the reach of government leaders who are the Serfs of the global financial Elite! Their origins are as old as time itself!
The ego of some can develop to such an extent that they believe they are a Higher Species, a Higher Being and it is their belief that it is their duty to protect the planet from total destruction via the Extinction of the Lower Species that no longer serve their vision.
I’ve met people with such a mind set, they honestly believe that some are created to do menial tasks, tasks that can now be done by technology and therefore they are of no further use to the planet.
In their minds, they are using up too much space and resources and do not add any value to the future. Mean while these “elites” are just accumulating wealth, control and absolute power!
It has to stop!
This generation will be the ones that put an end to their ugly Reign of Power!
At this current phase of our Human Evolution it is critical that we take drastic, informed measures to avoid the Earths total destruction.
The planet cannot sustain the destruction of its primary resources, air, water, oceans!
We as a human species are killing her!
Fear based Gluttony being the primary motivations!
When will we have enough? When will you be enough
When do we make a stand as one race of humans and say Enough!
When will we join hands and collectively realise we can be truly happy with the basics of life, clean air, clean water, basic shelter, healthy mind and body.
The more we accumulate the more we are trapped in an endless loop of serving the so called elite in this world
Until "WE" as a human race evolve as one species, creating solutions to protect each other, then the Elite will keep taking everything we hold dear in this world.
We can make a difference, each time one of us makes a change within ourselves, each one of us that releases the Fear program’s creates an Expansive Ripple across a Timeless Multi Dimensional DNA Pond that is connected to the Earth and every Being on this planet! Old Programs and Stories etc Ripe for release!
Take back your power, see the bigger agenda of the elites on this planet, it has been this way since the beginning of time.
This ugly self-perpetuating fear program is within the DNA program of all humans that has been manipulated over and over again since the beginning!
You hold the key to unlock the chains!
You hold the power to free the human race!
Open your eyes! SEE!
It's almost too late.
The power of your own soul to unlock much knowledge within your DNA is yours to request at any time. Ask Soul to release the fear, unlocking the solutions that reside whiten you.
You alone have the key/power.
I’ve created a free podcast to assist with the DNA recalibration to help unlock Soul information and recalibrate the Fear Programs!
But it requires your Conscious Desire to do so, to work with your Soul and Optimise your Soul DNA and release what is required for you to Own your Power, Access your Soul Truth!
Why did you come here!
You hold the Answer to that Question and only You!
If you resonate with this blog and podcast, please share far and wide!
Also I help many young and often very disadvantaged Creative Youth around the world, if you would like to Support my work, it would be greatly appreciated by many!
Paypal link attached!
Thank you for stopping by!