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Are you ready to light up the Matrix like a Christmas Tree? Short-circuit it till it dismantles and the true reality reveals itself?

This holographic reality we live in, requires a matching Human Avatar Matrix frequency to exist! 

Releasing the old  controlling Fear Programs within the Human body, Short circuit the Matrix Frequency, until it completely short circuits and collapses.

As we ignite our Soul frequency within the Human Avatar,  we alter the vibration of the  Matrix! 

Old Souls came here to do this, we each have an Individual skill set that is part of a united force of Souls. Each one of us hold a key within us, a skill, a frequency, that dismantles the Matrix.  


These Light Code frequencies are to assist you in activating your Soul Skills laying dormant, in your DNA! 

My Soul Skills are focused on  working with the Matrix systems within our Human template and the Matrix reality itself.

I came here to help all my fellow warriors, so did you, we all did.

Lets all join hands and get this done!  United we are unbeatable! 

The Persecution, Victim and Ignighting Soul Frequency codes have been designed to be  run one at a time!

You can run these intuiviely in a sequence that feels right for you or  you can run them in the following sequence: 





Wait until you can no longer feel any internal shifts! Let your body have the time to release any emotions that it requires.

Ignight Soul Frequency and Skills!  

Run this as many times as youl like! 


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